The many choices in modern nursery wall decor can be very confusing to new parents who are so enthusiastic until they get bogged down in details. So many times, they can't decide whether they should use nursery wall decals, just hang some nursery wall letters over the baby's bed or go all out with nursery wall murals that reach from corner to corner and floor to ceiling. And nothing because it was just too much.
So, here are the basics of how to choose the best nursery wall decor to decorate the walls of your baby's room in style listed in order of cost.
Not as cheap as it once might have been, a gallon of paint is one of the most inexpensive ways to brighten any room. Match your colors to the crib set and if solid color walls are boring to you, consider painting the top two thirds of the wall with one color and the bottom third with another. If you want to get fancy, you might consider one of the more advanced painting techniques like painting stripes, sponging or using textured paint. Whatever style you choose, remember to start with smooth, clean walls and to use ONLY non-toxic paint that will be safe for your baby.
Stenciling is cheaper than stickers and decals, but more permanent and messier. The benefit of using stencils over decals is color selection and a cheap price. The drawbacks are that there is cleanup involved and once you paint a design on the's there.
These are ideal for apartment dwellers that would lose their deposit if they damaged the existing wall paint or if the wall of the nursery is a good color but boring. Buy reusable vinyl decals and have fun!
More skill is required for hanging both wallpaper and wallpaper border. The wall should be properly prepped (which is no small thing but CRUCIAL) AND everything has to be straight with seams matched, pattern matched and lumps and bumps smoothed out.
Hanging wallpaper is not for sissies. It requires skill, patience and when the corners of your room are not square...vile language control. Don't jump into papering an entire room until you take a class, read some books and get some practice preferably on somebody else's dime. Wallpaper is expensive and easy to tear which can get you in trouble and deplete your nursery wall decor budget in a hurry.
There's no real need for a mural on all four walls of the baby's room. For one thing, busy scenes of this magnitude will completely overwhelm the rest of your decorations. And you want the baby to be the standout, not rolling jungle scenes or what have you.
A mural on one wall is plenty. An easy one for beginners is to paint a wall (or the ceiling) baby blue and sponge paint or rag paint your clouds.
Advanced and artistic painters (with boatloads of free time) among us can paint detailed murals freehand. The rest of us can apply our rain forest wall mural the quick and easy way using wallpaper murals that you can apply to the walls and remove them whenever you are ready. Please read the paragraph above with references to wallpaper hanging before choosing this style of nursery wall decor.
Even in the modern nursery of today there is room for framed art. If you use one or all of the above methods to decorate the walls of your baby's room, the finishing touch and final layer should be framed pictures, prints or posters that reflect the nursery's colors and theme.
I hope that this information helps you to choose the nursery wall decor that is best for you and your circumstances. Of course, there are far too many wall decorating ideas to cover them in one "HOW TO" tutorial so please come back to see how you can combine wall sconces, wallpaper, wall art and other stuff to personalize your DIY project to perfection.